Love Letters to Live Music is a passion project, created during the height of shutdowns and restrictions in the pandemic, as a way to share a love of live music and thank live music and those in the industry by letting them know how we missed them, were grateful for them and couldn’t wait to see them again. The essence of this project is hope, joy and creating connection with others through a shared love of live music.


Love Letters to Live Music started as a collection of letters written by those who love live music, and wanted to share their gratitude, the impact live music has had on their lives, and their memories of it, along with pictures and videos.

Short Films

Just prior to restrictions starting to lift, four letters were turned into short films, narrated by musicians on the stage at The Foundry, a local music venue, that had been shut down to the public for over a year. This special project was made possible by the generous support of Thunder Bay Tourism, Generator, The Foundry, Heartbeat Hot Sauce, and Dawson Trail Craft Brewery.


A letter written by Keith and read by the Lockyer Boys - Short Film

A letter written by Maris and read by Arley - Short Film

A letter written and read by Ryan - Short Film

A letter written by Susan and read by Jamie - Short Film


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